Meet the Team

Meet the HARMAN Luxury Audio Team

Name: Eric Ayers
Position/Job Title: Eric Ayers, Senior Lab Technician, Engineering/R&D Lifestyle Audio
With HARMAN Since 2010

With Meet The HARMAN Luxury Team, our goal is for you to get to know us better. In each edition we feature a different member of the team, and this month it's Eric Ayers, Sr. Lab Tec. Engineering/R&D,Lifestyle Audio.

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How would you describe what you do in your current role?

My current role here at HARMAN is to build, test and ship lifestyle products to shows all around the world.

What did you study in school? Did you always imagine yourself doing something like what you’re doing now or did the fates just take you in that direction?

I studied Business at Mission College.   No, I did not imagine this career path but I’ve always been into car audio and how it all works so fate lead the way.

How did your career path lead you to HARMAN?

Greg Timbers and Johnny Ventura gave me the opportunity to start my career with HARMAN.   I learned how to build Everest DD 67000s on my first week of work for HARMAN.

What is the most important thing you have learned over your career?

Lots of patience and how to lead people in the right direction.

Any other advice you would share with people just starting out in this industry?

Keep an open mind and be creative.